Sabrina Cruz

Hello! Thank you for visiting my site, happy to have you here. Since you clicked on the ‘About’ tab, I’m guessing you’d like to know a little bit more about me.

I’m an Illustrator and Graphic Designer born and raised in Southern California, currently living in the beautiful state of Washington with my hubs and our dog Blue.

I have worked as a designer for over seven years, and over the past five, I have had the pleasure of being an in-house Illustrator and Graphic Designer at Plum Paper. When I moved to Washington in 2019 I decided to take the plunge and started freelancing full-time.

Whether it’s stationery, patterns, or illustrations, I focus on bringing clever and fun designs to projects and work closely with my clients to produce quality and creative solutions.

The End

…oh wait, you want to know MORE? Okay, lightning round:

  • Chips of ANY kind are my weakness…But I will die happy eating tortilla chips and salsa.

  • In my 32 years of life, I have never broken a bone. *knock on wood*

  • I am one of those humans who dramatically gasps when I see a dog (but I’ve promised my husband I’ll work on not doing that while he’s driving)